Youth Ministry
Middle School Youth
Sunday School
10- 10:45 AM
Every Sunday morning our middle school students gather after the contemporary & chapel service and before the sanctuary service. We use the GROW curriculum to help guide and teach our MS youth as we prepare them for confirmation when they are in 9th grade. There are often donuts and other breakfast items for a little extra incentive!
Youth Group
Sunday 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Our Sunday night Middle School Youth Group is a vibrant community where fellowship takes center stage, fostering strong bonds among participants. With a focus on preparing our youth for confirmation in 9th grade, engaging lessons are thoughtfully designed to guide them on their spiritual journey, deepening their understanding of faith and equipping them with valuable tools for their confirmation experience and beyond.
Midweek Mindfullness
Wednesday 6-7 PM
Game Room
Join us for "Midweek Mindfulness," our youth group's Wednesday night programming. After enjoying dinner at WAF, youth are invited to gather in the youth game room for a meaningful check-in session, where we foster a supportive and caring atmosphere. This midweek gathering allows us to pause, take a deep breath, and embrace the love of God, as we exhale that love through our actions and interactions with others, creating a space of compassion and connection.
Middle School Retreats