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High School Youth


Sunday School

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Sunday School is a time for our high school students to gather after the contemporary & chapel service and before the sanctuary service. Here we use the GROW curriculum to help guide and teach those youth in 9-12th grades. There are often donuts and other breakfast items for a little extra incentive!

Youth Group

Sundays 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM

Family Life Center

Youth Group tends to take on a different form from Sunday School. During this time we play games, sometimes share a meal together, and have discussion around a variety of topics. High School is the season of life where we as a church are preparing our young people to be sent out into the world, full of confidence and imagination. We encourage questions over answers and building up over breaking down.


Java & Jesus

Tuesdays, 7:00 AM - 7:45 AM
Eastside (weekly) & Boiling Springs (monthly) 
@ Chick-Fil-A

On Tuesday mornings during the school year, we gather together at Chick-fil-A for fellowship, chicken, and the occasional milkshake before school starts. Our youth are given a word to reflect on for the week, with an accompanying verse or two from scripture. J & J happens weekly on the east side and once a month for our youth in Boiling Springs.

2023 Sabbath Beach Retreat

Montreat Youth Conference '23

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