Youth Ministry
Regardless of your background or experiences with church, faith, or God, you are warmly welcomed here. Confirmation is a safe space where we embrace questions and explore the depths of our spiritual wonderings. Together, we cultivate a mindset of imagination and resilience as we grow in our faith and understanding. Confirmation classes take place from January until Confirmation Sunday on April 21st. Although not required, those in the class who would like to do so may take their vows for membership in the church on Confirmation Sunday.
2024 Confirmation Dates
* indicates Mentors included
January 12th-14th
Confirmation Opening retreat @ Montreat Conference Center
February 4th*
Sunday morning session
10am-11am in FLC Gameroom
March 10th
Sunday morning session
10am-11am in FLC Gameroom
January 21st
Sunday morning session
10am-11am in FLC Gameroom
February 25th
Sunday morning session
10am-11am in FLC Gameroom
April 12th* & 13th*
Closing retreat (in town)
Friday: 5-9pm
Saturday: Participate in FPC Day of Service
January 28th
Sunday morning session
10am-11am in FLC Gameroom
March 3rd
Sunday morning session
10am-11am in FLC Gameroom
April 21st*
Sunday morning session
Confirmation Sunday!
Confirmation Retreat @ Montreat Conference Center
January 12-14, 2024
Our confirmation opening retreat welcomes all youth from 9th grade and up to embark on a transformative journey of faith exploration. This overnight retreat marks the beginning of our confirmation class, playing a crucial role in fostering deep connections and bonds within the group. During this retreat, we engage in activities that encourage us to learn about our faith, connect with one another, and find solace in the beauty of nature.
Did you miss a confirmation session?
Catch up with
The Confirmation Podcast